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toast francais, mit cinnamon (und vanilla)

So this is how french toast look like. Not that it is any more French than it is Slovakian. Nor is it a toast. It's just bread. With egg.


2 eggs
3-4 slices of bread (not toast bread, preferably!)
1-2 tbsp milk
½ tsp sugar (or vanilla sugar, if available)
less than ½ tsp cinnamon (or more - to taste)
1 tbsp butter

1. Mix everything together in a bowl.

2. Soak the slices of bread in the mixture, and then fry in the butter.

3. Serve.

Hard, innit?

And guess what - you can use ANY ingredients you want! You can make it savoury by adding salt, pepper and oregano, or you can make it more complicated by adding cooked mushrooms, onions and grated zucchini.

Can I be more obvious?!

If you make the cinnamon one, it goes very very well with jam and/or honey. But also with cheese, for some bizarre reason.

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